Saturday, March 28, 2009

Appetites Strong & In My Zone

Today i just chilled i tried to clean up & shit.
yeah mad boring. i think i might just crash for the rest of the day.
some girls party people going to.
but i'm not in the mood to go.
but umm me & dro made the song.
got good feedback about it which is always good.
myspace was being gay this morning so i couldn't post the new vid.
& youtube takes to fucking long. UGH!
maybe i won't even put it out.
yeahhhh i probably won't lmao.
just make you wonder about all the fucked up shit i possibly could of said in that shit.
alot of people been asking about the girl situation & why i wasn't in school yada yada.
i'm good now ya'll i was just in total shock for like 2 days.
but now i'm good.
not even thinking about it.
& looking for that replacement girl.
i got a number lastnight soo it's a good start soo far. haaaaaaa.

Be Easy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Say Whats Real

So It's So Ironic That After This Tragic Loss lmao.

i put out a song that's heartfelt & dark...

nah even if nothing had happened the song was still coming out.

difference now is that i got my boy dro singing in the chorus which really gives the song chills.

i can't wait to finish & let the people here it.

soo stay tuned.

It's Done...

wed. March 11th

"i'm in a good situation right now that has me in a great mood as of right now. but we all know shit happens & that can quickly change"

yupp i'm pretty sure i called this. i should of know.

Over done with...i can act like i'm really not upset about it anymore but come on when you put time & energy into something & you get stings a little.

& Did exactly what i said i wouldn't...i mean it wasn't the same way & it wasn't as bad but that feeling is still there & it said "fuck you i ain't leaving for a while"

for kev kell i know your gonna read this soo it was "corey gunz" but it was the new one. "nose ring" that one lmao.

but yeahh....

back to being ruthless i guess.

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Hot Boy"

Question:Why are white girls soooo stuck up to each other?

idk put i peeped some shit when i was let out of lockdown [ISR] and it made my skin crawl.
dead ass. anyways...

i went to see my cousin & she lives out in yorktown & niggas out there know about 5 minute me. ohhhh man. shit is growing & it's only gonna grow. dead ass.
most of ya'll are gonna see my face on tv & be like "ohhh i used to know that guy"

ohhh & i seen my boy noel's new mac i definitely want one but who has 1,500 for me to spend...FUCK!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Starbucks Conversation



yeahhh so i was in starbucks with my boy dro


& so as we were sippin' on cold coffee & eating we got into a conversation about life & what we are trying to do with ourselves once highschool is over. & that kid has a drive that i see in myself only thing is i know what exactly i wanna do.
i definitely do think there is a great deal of respect for eachother as men tryna make it some where. & he can take some nice photos i hope we can keep in touch & we can do business later. "always good to know people"

andddd shitttttt!


i fucking ripped my jeans today.
but i stiill don't care about $350 jeans it's not my style i'll stick to levis. sorry steve.

Sunday, March 15, 2009



I've been sitting on the computer all weekend doing work i owe.
eating straight fast food drinking coffee goinnggg crazy. lol

just doing what i gotta do to pass dig me?

anyways anyone see that porno 50 cent released? ohhh man i really do feel bad about what's going on it's really disrepectful. and childish i mean you a grown ass man with enough money you don't have to work for the rest of your life & this is what you like to to do. no the pimpin' curly series is fucking funny but then i think once again he is a fucking grown ass man walking around looking like a fucking fool.
and as for rick ross hes to put blame too.
nigga you was a cop and now your a mafia boss? comeon maybe if you went to school & did your shit maybe you wouldn't of been another broke stupid nigga to have a job that pays nothing. that's why you went into rap cuz you seen all these convicts and molded yourself into something your not & now you been got. idk it's sad atleast i know what i don't wanna become. A man that makes all this money and acts a fool with it or a man that hits rock bottom and tries to strike rich being something hes not.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When Love Is The Problem


Man i'm sorry i haven't been on this shit for a minute just haven't had anything to say worth reading lol.

but shit is good bro.

that dream album came out i got it & it think it's a pretty solid favorite tracks on there is rockin' that shit love Vs money & love Vs money part 2 i haven't really sat down & listened to the whole thing like that i just skipped through songs and anything i think i liked in the first couple mins i listened to. soo yeah.

but other than that i'm getting this school thing done just like the rest of you kids out there ha.

& i wanted to put up a post about my boy d wade cuz he went off again for 48 in double over time but yeah it's something that happens on the regular soo it's all w/e lol.

nah but really hes doing his thing.

as for all that shit i was writing about before about stupid bitches so on & so fourth...i'm in a good situation right now that has me in a great mood as of right now. but we all know shit happens & that can quickly change haaa.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mick Boogie Presents Mateo - Underneath the Sky (Mixtape)


This guy i heard about him earlier but i never paid much attention because of "drakemainia" sooo now i'm back to listening to unsigned hype & this guy is really doing his thing...he is gonna be the next big thing.

decent tape.

download here:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tyga - Outraged & Underage [Mixtape]

Little "Tyga Tyga" is honestly getting nicer and i think people should start taking notice.

he has been putting out bangers
havent listened to the tape yet but when i do i'll let you know....if you don't wanna wait. i'll leave the link at the bottom.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Total Waste Of A Day

Ok so i was expecting some kind of huge storm....and we get this baby shit i'm stairing at. wtf?

pissing me off.

i have things i would have like to do today.

anyways. i went out to dinner with the family lastnight at some place i never went before. forgot what it was called.

but i had like this BBQ chicken with melted cheese and bacon top.

that was the shittt.

definitely going there for my birthday.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bad Advertising LMAO

The song isn't done yet but i don't care...
niggas got this thing on the shelf & i wan't people to hear it.
It's not the whole song so you will live.

but you know that i'm not a rapper and i did aight on this track.

soo just listen and tell me what ya think.

That Girl [Feat.Ant L.] [Undone] - Dro

Kanye West Live from VH1 Story Tellers [Experience.It.All]

This is definitely something you should listen to the way these songs are redone are genius.



Download Here :

I Told You....

Well if you know me...then you know that Wade is my favorite player.
& it was funny cuz i wasn't even watching the game.
My friend [Nick Duke] was texting me while i was at work and saying how my heat were down to the knicks by 15 going into the 4th & i was kinda like w/e soo then i don't text him back and the about 15 - 20 mins later hes like "oh good game...d wade is nice" lmao.

yesss told you bitch ass niggas.



D Wade goes off last night for 46 Pts 8 Rebs & 10 Assist

Yeahh It's 1AM

It's really late & i'm typing again sitting here reading shit.
i was at work alllll day.
and now i'm tired but i wanted to come on here and just type.
i got really nothing to say though.
....Oh wait i do.
New 5 minute me coming probably on tuesday.

about personalities & what's wrong with them.

should be interesting.

seeing how i have the worst one in the world.

yesss...i'm still on that.

