Saturday, October 31, 2009

2 New Albums.

The new album by my boy ryan leslie is a reminder just how creative & talented that man is. Another great album. A definite pick up. & also another album I'm blasting right now is wale's debut album. It's not for everyone but I do enjoy it. So please go ahead & check those albums out.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Hey everyone. It's official.....I guess I'ma music artist. Yeah I know that shit don't even sound right. Ha. But your probably wondering where the fuck is my music at? Don't worry it's's coming don't worry your little brain. Ha. I'ma make sure I get my music out to you FIRST. Ha. I'll make sure of it. Trust me.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blackberry User

What's up lifers! How ya'll doing? As always everything is everything on my end of the field. To all my ladies I gotta ask. Why is you decide to go back to a man that doesn't treat you right? When there are guys like myself that would do things others wouldn't I mean we wanna help when you crying & complain but you run into his arms when he choose to do the same. It's like one girl told's a cycle. & I can kinda understand that but not totally. What is it that you see in that guy that makes you go back everytime? What is it that he can do for you? & if you can't answer either on of those questions then your probably with that guy for the wrong reasons. A nigga can help. But I or any other brother won't decide to help you if you not willing to help yourself to begin with. It's sad...the things these fellas do. But ladies NOT all these dudes out here are just gotta look. In a way you gotta take some of the blame. Cause you might just be attracted to all assholes. That's your fucking fault & YOU need to fix that & stop blaming dudes.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

& i dont dont need no hook for this shittttt.

What's good lifers! How ya'll doing? Everything is everything on this end
Just updating ya'll on what's going on in my life & shit. So I've been listing
To a lot of music & I must say that 2 albums that you should go pick up are
The blueprint III & Man On The Moon. Two albums that I'm playing currently as week speak. Cudi's album is a little different so you gotta go into it being totally open about music. But now all that I'm waiting for now is that drizzy. I need that shit like yesterday. Haha. Yo take it easy. I'll be back.