Sunday, April 19, 2009

Drake Perfoms @ SUNY Purchase

Now I must say it was a pretty dope show. It wasn't only him it was an all day concert he just happened to be in it. As i said dope. Drizzy opened up with congrats & another array of songs and clips of wezzy songs to shout his boy out. Speaking of weezy Niggas wassss GASSED thinking Wayne would come to a FREE College Show. Me & My Boy were talking about it on the way home and it was a very true statement. "HE NEEDS AN AREA & AT LEAST 300,000 FOR HIM TO EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" & it's the truth it really is. but drake is up & coming, needs the hype & is a very cheap 15,000. Now you might be like 15,000 is a lot of money. & yes it is BUT think about it this way it's like 75,000 for Soulja Boy "Tell Em" yeah you can unscrew your face & pick your jaw up now. HA. 15 G's don't sound to bad now does it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fellas I Know You Can Feel Me On This.

With the coming of my 18th birthday i been tryna find out what i wanna do to celebrate and clubbing was a suggestion & clubbin' is something that i look down upon at times because it's cool until' you try to bag bitches in the club. It's like some niggas don't understand that you can't wife a club bitch. no matter how bad she is or how fat her ass is. she there for the same reason you are. TO FUCK! & PARTY! shes not there to meet a new hubby. just like the majority of the people in the fucking club. some of them already tied down to a nigga & probably lied to that nigga about being there. so home girl is just there to fuck & party like i said. SMH. But i wanna go so i might go with my nigga greg [Shouts to Greg] he be going all the time. I think i might freeze tag along. ha.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Every Girl Vid.

Wtf? Black Country Singer?

A random act of fuckery.
So i'm flipping thru channels & i come across this.
that's it the world is gonna end now. it's over.
The world will really end in 2012.
I've seen it all. A black president.
Everyone survive a plane crash [In real life not that "lost" bullshit]
"Oh God"

This Is Really Ironic

Now the people at OVO [October's Very Own]
just happen to be fans of Gucci Man [Hey That Rhymes]
& they had a shirt just like this one only it said free gucci.
but in the magazine article has the title of Drake's last mixtape.
just something to chuckle about.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

46 Things Women Should Know.

46 things girls should know about us guys. By Anthony Lewin

My intention isnt to put us on blast…actually, maybe I am. Theres a lot women should know about us…

and to better understand, you should prolly read this.

…some of you guys might disagree and say ‘NO! Not me!”

Ur either
1) lying or
2) a freak of nature.

haaa. Im kidding. This is a list based on studies and observations of myself and guy talks…ha.

Here we go…ahhhh mannnn.

Im going to do a lot of exaggerating…its funnier that way…and Im also gonna sound like a real asshole on purpose

This is my comedian persona, all comedians have to go into ignorant asshole mode for their acts. So dont take this shit personal, just laugh at it. hahaha.

1) We always wake up with boners! I have no idea why. Its not like I had a dream about shagging Melyssa Ford or anything…it juss happens. Its the worst when mom comes in the room and she’s tryna drag you outta bed cuz shes late for her doctors appt and she pulls the covers off! you better flip to your stomach real fast mannneee. lmao.
So girls if you’re sleeping beside me in the morning and Im suddenly rubbing your neck and kissing you…you know Im awake…in more ways than one. lmfao

2) Sometimes we just go to the ’skripper’s’ because we wanna. It aint cuz we pervs. We’d go to the regular bar, but there arent any games on tonight. ha.

3) Sometimes we wanna act gangsta when someone’s eying you. Its a stupid boy thing, we just wanna feel like we’re Van Damme or someshit. We just gotta feel like men and scare everyone. lol. We just want you to feel protected and safe…so we act ignorant. Some of us will just ignore it and laugh it up…some of you will just hand your girl over cuz your pussy…but I think on the most part…we’d wanna knock a dude out, we wanna get all dramatic and you pullin on our arm sayin ‘baby, dont! who cares about him baby.’ and I wanna say “you lucky! lucky my girls holding me back!” lmao.

4) Sometimes we like driving fast, not to show off, but we juss wanna feel like the bad boys in hollywood and pretend that the whole world is watching us as we drive by saying we’re cool. haaaa. I know I know…die alone.

5) I deleted this one, it sucked. lmao.

6) If we just met and we aint dating yet, we’ll take you, or your hot friend. Whichever digs us first. haa. Work it out amongst yourselves ladies.

7) We aint all dogs, some of us are real nice guys. We just hate being taken advantage of sometimes. true fucking story.

8 ) If we dont look while we’re peeing, we might miss. Speaking about pissing…if we’re in a public washroom, and theres 5 empty urinals, and I piss in the one at the end, if you gotta piss, dont piss in the one beside me! Thats fuckin retarded! I will stomp you in your chest for that shit! Even if we’re boys dont piss beside me! Its not an insecurity thing, that goes for everyone. Its just the guy rule. Rules also apply when you’re doing the ‘finishing up shake’…3 shakes only, after 3 shakes, you aint considered to be pissing anymore. Every guy knows these rules, it aint just me. But if theres only two, do you hahaha.

9) We do a mini harlem shake after we finish peeing. We just get cold all of a sudden. lmao.

10) We like backrubs, especially where you straddle us. haaaaaa.

11) We like being pampered too, and having our ears and hair played with. We like you stroking our stomachs and neck, or you laying on our laps or shoulders… but dont harrass us during the game. ahaha.

12) If we happen to watch a movie together and one of the homies die and we cry, dont stare at us. Just let us be…its already bad enough we’re crying but dont make us feel like bitches with the ‘awww, baby, its ok. Its just a movie!” Shit girl! I know its a movie! Just pass me a kleenex!

13) I aint cute, Im fucking sexy. lmao.

14) We dont always wanna initiate it! You know what Im talking about! ha.

15) We wanna see you grab the bill outta my hand one time and pay for it, even though I insist. ha.

16) We dont like admitting we’re lost…being a shitty navigator makes us feel like losers….Im an excellent navigator tho. lmao…honest, ask anyone.

17) We try to deny it when our best guy friend asks us if we put it on you…we say no first…and say yes the second time and be like…”YO!!! Shit was crazy! You know what she did nigga? Let me tell you!” Not all the time do we kiss and tell, but it may happen. You may have to tell your best friend. Im talking about real best friends here, not, Ive only known u for 2 months but ur the only person I chill with type shit.

18) Most times we prolly dont care if you chill with a guy friend, but when he’s a good looking dude (no homo) and he’s a relatively successful and educated dude…yea, we may worry a bit. We wont show it, but we dont like it. Make sure your guy friend is ugly, at least uglier than us! lmfao

19) We prefer you with no make up on…well I prefer mines with no make up on, but I seen some girls who looked like fuckin death without make up on…shit! Naturalness is beauty, make up is artificial. But yea yea, we understand the need for makeup sometimes because its fashionable and youre not comfortable…we get it. But sometimes understand that we already love you and accept you, we already know how beautiful you are. If the relationship works out well, ur looks become less important as we fall in love with who you really are. Im in love with the story, not the cover.

20) Yea, sometimes we gotta pick our ball sack cuz it gets stuck to our thighs. Especially on hot humid summer days! Shits no joke! lmao. I know guys are laughing hardcore! Whatever ladies! Like I never see you lifting your bra up to readjust your breasts cuz its stuck to the top of ur stomach or someshit. Dont act like we nasty! You and your sweaty boobs!

21) If you making breakfast, can I get some toast with butter, scrambled eggs, bacon and maybe some sausage?

22) We like it when you’re in our t-shirts or sweaters and walking around the house…especially when you’re in our dress shirts with no pants on! Hot Damn!!!!

23) Ummm…we love head. Yea, I said it! In the morning, in the car, in the dressing room, while washing the dishes, in the shower, before I sleep, while Im sleeping! Yea, I said it. To the fella’s, I got you! Like Katt Williams said, head will solve everything. Fuck if I was at war with another country, and they were pissing me off but wanted to give up all of a sudden cuz they were afraid I was gonna kill em, man, send me some bad ass chicks that are mean widit, shit, ill forgive you and accept your truce. Head could solve a lot of conflicts in the world. I aint lying. Fellas, ever had a bad day, got head and just forgot it all? Yea…I know right? I know. *High fives! lmfao.

Ok to be fair, Im sure some women are like, fuck that *$#%@#, if he aint going down on me, I aint giving him shit…well, you better talk to your man about that. Fellas, I did what I could, this is on you now. How bad do you want this head? …Well buss a move then!

To both of you’s, what you wont, the next one will. Take that how you wanna. hahahaha.

24) We aint always cheating just because we didnt invite you out. We just need our time to chill with the guys, do guy things. Be stupid, swear, drink, smoke, fart, yell, play call of duty, talk shit and punch either without being called immature. But dont worry, there wont be girls over…we wont even watch porn together, nevermind a real broad…

That shits weird tho man…watching porn with your guys around? Thats just weird. I know you girls watch porn together, but nah man…thats against the guy code.

25) Dont go telling our mom shit when we screw up! We can only deal with one woman at a time, some of y’all are crazy as hell! I dont even know why you gotta tell my mom, shes gonna say the same thing you just said, just in another language!

26) Can you learn how to tie ties and shave faces?…We think its super hot that you can do that…well I do anyways. Fuck y’all!

27) Tell us we look good when we do…even though we tell you look amazing…tisk…so unfair. haaa.

28) Can we fuck in the shower tonight?

29) Can I listen to Drake now and we’ll listen to Keyshia Cole later?

30) No, I want to hear about your day. I dont just wanna bang…but can this convo wait til after we this tho? Im solid as a rock! lmfao!!!...that's real.

31) So whats up? ( i start to fall asleep)

32) Compliment us sometimes, we wanna feel special too. Shit, all we do is tell you want you wanna hear and do what you want us to do! What about us? What about our feelings? Are we not real? Are we just here for you? Are you the only one that exists in this relationship? We gave up everything for you, now we’re fat and…umm…stuff! lmao. I love how I exagerrate everything. Fuck, I wish I knew me. lol.

33) If you just complimented us on what we’re wearing, and we dont compliment you on what you’re wearing, you should probably go back upstairs and get changed. True story, I didnt go to a friends bday one time cuz I hated what my date was wearing. Call it mean…but you shoulda seen what she was wearing. I have no idea where she would even think to wear those articles and colors together. *Ant cringes

34) We dont want to be on the phone with you all day. Hurts our ears and gives us neck cramps. lmao. true story.

35) Can you call us sometimes. Why is this so one wayed?

36) Can you wash our hair in the shower? Ill wash yours after, I promise…you better hope theres still hot water when its your turn. lmfao hahahahahahah.

37) You dont have to ask, if we at your house & you cook, I will help cut the veggies and i'll wash the dishes…

38) But if i do that now you owe me a favor! lmao

39) We like you dressing sexy, hot and scandalous sometimes…but only if we’re going out. You can wear your sweats and your baseball cap when you’re with the dudes. lmao hahahaa. truuueeee fucking story.

40) Wait a second, its kinda hot when girls can look hot with sweats on…fuck…ummm…wear a giant trench coat and a red scarf on your head when you’re with the boys. haaaa.
PS. If you still have ass and your body can still look delicious when you’re in a baggy hoody and sweatpants, I will marry you!

41) If the next man whistles at you while we’re out, do not respond, let me say ‘wassup?’

42) As much as we love you, we love mama first, so dont be acting all rude up in my house and rolling your eyes and shit, cuz Ill call you a cab. hhahaha.

43) Sometimes we wanna sit around by the tv in our boxers and tee shirt all day watching family guy with our hands in our pants…the warmest place in the body…and yea I just took a shower, the jewels is clean. haha.

44) We dont care about your stupid soap operas, the hills or sex in the city. Stop crying and saying “OMG” lmao. Im kidding, you dont even know how much time Ive spent with girls & my mom watching those shows. lol SMH. hahah.

45) You’ve gained a bit of weight, we dont know how to tell you. Its not that you being fat that Im worried about, its how people see me…thats if they can, if you aint blocking me! lmfao. Nah, Im playing. But more or less, its about your health and your condition and mood that is affected by your weight gain. We dont wanna see you eating a tub of ice cream and then you asking…baby am i fat? you still love me right? None of my clothes fit! I feel ugly…of course you know what Im saying inside my head, “Shit, stop eating the ice cream then and go for a jog…for 3 days.” I mean Ill still tell you you’re beautiful by default but shit, change begins with you…! But on the real too, I see all relationships as long term, so I want you to be healthy to ride this out with me. Gaining weight to me doesnt mean ur getting ugly to me, but it becomes a worry to me for the sake of your physical and mental health. I want you to love yourself and feel beautiful. I can tell you I love you and you’re beautiful all I want, but you aint never gonna believe me if you dont believe it yourself.

46) I know this might be the case all the time for you women, so I apologize in advance…but sometimes we aint got time for you to come. We need to juss release our stuff and get a move on in our day. Quickies exist because we got shit to do. lol. Like Katt Williams said, we aint always got time to wait for the oven to heat up, sometimes we just want the microwave! Sorry, you should focus harder and be more efficient at cumming then! Shit, we sure as hell waste no time.

Im sorry baby, but I gotta get back to work now. Im gonna be late!

You gonna be late? Well you sure had enough time to come in here and seduce me.

You’re right I aint arguing, Im sorry, I owe you. lmao. that's how that goes man.

Ok…I think Im all out of things women should know of and stuff…how funny that all the things you needed to know basically had to do with sex…tisk to men…somedays, Im ashamed to be one. Hand me a vagina. Ill be a girl, snap if I was a girl, Id be over! Id stay home with myself all day! BAM BAM! lmaooooo!

I kid…now you’re all like…now I know why I hate men and Im single right now.

Hey, this was all just written in good humor. Dont take everything I said seriously. Being a creative mind, I can use different parts of my mind to understand different people and their actions and thoughts.

If I just wrote mellow sweet stuff, all you would say is awww, thats so sweet and the guys would say, whens this bitch gonna say wassup, like for real for real? lol We’re not all suspect! lol, well here you go, I said whats on your mind.

18 years coming & i'm ready

a week from monday i've had lived 18 years & i can't wait.
i know this might be too early to be talking about all this because i could die today. but i wanted to reflect on shit. i've learned so much. lessons that have humbled me. happy times that made me more aware to be careful & sadness & heartache that pushed me to grow up. i've been so upset about shit lately that i totally forgot that i had this day coming. and now that i'm fed up & ready to move on with my shit i realized that i have so many other bigger & better things coming for me. i'm a shark in the water & all this small town bullshit are the fishes in a pond. the small circle of people that i have to support me & my family is all i need. i don't need fake ass people...confused ass girls. none of that bull. that's just the smoke to blind me and steer me in the wrong direction. i'm ready to take this step into man hood & make a very successful living with my life. i'm done doing for others & start doing for me. looking out for my star player [me] because at the end of the day everyone else looks out for themselves & if you can't beat them might as well join them.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm Aight I Aint All That.


soo i haven't been on in a while so i thought i would get my blogspot on. lol.
alright lemme stop. so what's good people? nothing over here on this side. shit been....weird idk. just tryna get this paper school & bitches hahahahaha.
nah but a nigga is focused. i don't care about what dumb bitches & wack ass niggas gotta say. i mean i know if you watch 5 minute me you seen the video...niggas having a field day on facebook about how i don't run up on a girl when i'm in someone elses house. late at night with them. how fucking dumb does that sound. mayyybbbeeee if was doing what we should & not sooo concerned about how long a video is & what fruit your throwing your spot would of never got blown. if you gonna tell a story please people lets tell the whole thing....i mean since we are talking about what someone should of done...maybe you should of thrown your orange then...would of been smart cuz then i would respect you. now i just look at you as a fucking loser that's fake & a hoe. i mean damnnnnn nigga shit is rough. hahahahaha. but i'm not here to blog about her. all i wanna know is what the fuck is good with bitches i don't understand how they think. if you make a decision stick with it. cuz a nigga ain't got time to wait around on you for tooo long. & a nigga can be "oh so nice" for soo long. SMH. sad.